In April 2021, Planetek Italia has reinforced its commitment to promoting a generative business model pursuing higher standards of well-being for people and environmental protection, evolving into a "Benefit Company", and stating the purposes of common benefit in the corporate statute.
For Planetek Italia, it means to adopt a business model that aims to operate in a responsible, sustainable and transparent way towards people, communities, the environment, cultural and social assets and activities, organizations and associations, and other stakeholders.
Planetek's Sustainability Report
In 2022, we joined Assobenefit, the Italian Association of Benefit Companies, and published the first Sustainability Report.
The sustainability assessment tool we have chosen is the Open-es digital platform, developed by Eni, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Google Cloud. Open-es allows companies to measure Sustainability Performance in 4 dimensions: People, Planet, Prosperity and Governance Principles. A model based on the 4 Pillars of the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics released by the World Economic Forum.
The results of the first report show an excellent sustainability performance level of Planetek Italia, already at the highest levels among companies in the ICT and Aerospace sector. This is just the starting point of our future improvements and challenges.
On 21 November 2022, Planetek was one of the first 40 European companies to sign the 'Statement for a Responsible Space Sector', an initiative of the European Space Agency aimed at providing a basis for the sustainable development of the space sector and increasing the contribution of space activities to the benefit of society.
Planetek Italia is registered in the special section of the Register of Innovative SME Companies. This means that its model includes a focus on R&D investments, the employment of highly qualified personnel, a constant interrelation with research centres and universities, the production of research published in scientific journals, and the development of patented products and services that are marketed internationally.
Planetek Italia has adopted a "company system" instead of a generic "quality system" in order to manage each activity in accordance with detailed internal rules, and converting these rules in informatics procedures.
According to Planetek Italia, Quality is a philosophy, a way to operate which includes all the activities of the company and becomes a clear definition of customer's requirements, that is a "project" approach to the orders, for a subdivision of the activities into "work packages" defining responsible, output, input, work times and verifications. Such a methodological way of work allows the planning of activities, the respect of times and specifications of the systems realized.
The organization of the company system in compliance with the ISO rules has led Planetek Italia to pass the inspection on January 14th, 2000, and to receive the ISO 9001 certification for "Design, realization and servicing of geographical information system (G.I.S.), cartographical and Earth Observation data processing (E.O.). Design and delivery of training services regarding geographical information system and Earth Observation.".
On March 23th, 2001, Planetek Italia also passed the inspection for the new ISO 9001:Vision 2000 certification with the maximum of the marks. This certification allowed Planetek Italia to become one of the first companies in Italy, and the very first in Southern Italy, to reach this goal.
Planetek management system is also certified as compliant to the guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the provision of remote sensing services as defined by the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC).
Our Environment Management System
Planetek Italia adopt an Environment Management System in conformity with ISO 14001:2015 rules and the directive CE n.1221/2009 (EMAS III). Planetek Italia is truly concerned in considering environment as a part of its production and business and operates in respect of Italian and European environment laws and directives. Click here to read about Our Environment Policy
Social Responsibility Policy
Planetek Italia has always naturally considered human rights fundamental. The road to SA8000 certification is just a written committment, stating what the company has always believed.
In this path we have stated our Social Responsibility Politicy that we are pleased to share with our clients, partners, suppliers and stakeholders in general. Click here if you wish to read more about our Social Responsibility committment and the SA8000 certification.
Gender Equality
Planetek Italia is a company certified for Gender Equality. The UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification is a voluntary certification and involves the adoption of specific indicators, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), in relation to 6 evaluation areas for the different variables that distinguish an inclusive and respectful organization gender equality. In 2024, we achieved the first certification, achieving a score of 81/100. UNI PDR 125/2022 Gender Equality Certification
Information Security Management System
Planetek Italia adopt an Information Security Management System for all the databases owned and managed by the company and for the information treatment processes, in compliance with the ISO rules defined by the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.
Certification documents:
Today, I want to share an exciting story centered around my workplace, Planetek Italia, and its recent publication of the 2022 Impact Report. This document reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the crucial role each of us can play in caring for our extraordinary planet. As a company involved in space, we understand how […]