All events and news in the field of Land management, GIS and Remote Sensing. A contribution to sharing additional knowledge in this area with people working in private and public organizations.

Planetek among the Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies
Planetek Italia has been recognized among the Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies that are shaping the future of...
Planetek Italia has been recognized among the Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies that are shaping the future of...

Planetek Italia launches -Caution: Edge Ahead- a cornerstone of EO digital transformation
Planetek Italia is proud to announce the successful deployment of AIX-1p “Caution: Edge Ahead”, the first mission of...
Planetek Italia is proud to announce the successful deployment of AIX-1p “Caution: Edge Ahead”, the first mission of...

Planetek to develop Mission Operations Center for ESA’s Swing Space Weather nanosatellite
ESA’s first space weather nanosatellite mission will be designed, built and operated by Hemeria. The Mission Operations...
ESA’s first space weather nanosatellite mission will be designed, built and operated by Hemeria. The Mission Operations...

Planetek supports the CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award 2024
Planetek Italia proudly supports the CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award 2024 for Green and Blue Transition. As a long-term...
Planetek Italia proudly supports the CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award 2024 for Green and Blue Transition. As a long-term...

Planetek Hellas awarded 11 M Contracts to develop Governmental HUB of the Greek EO Satellite Constellation
Planetek Hellas awarded 11.5 Million Contracts from ESA for the Governmental HUB of the Greek Earth...
Planetek Hellas awarded 11.5 Million Contracts from ESA for the Governmental HUB of the Greek Earth...

Planetek signs the Zero Debris Charter
Planetek has signed the Zero Debris Charter, the initiative promoted by the European Space Agency "to implement a Zero...
Planetek has signed the Zero Debris Charter, the initiative promoted by the European Space Agency "to implement a Zero...

Our Ocean from Space: marine and coastal ecosystems observed from space
"Our Ocean from Space" is a traveling exhibition that offers stunning satellite images of our oceans and marine...
"Our Ocean from Space" is a traveling exhibition that offers stunning satellite images of our oceans and marine...

Planetek among finalists of the EARSC Company Award 2024
Planetek Italia is among the top three European Companies in the EO sector selected by the EARSC Company award 2024....
Planetek Italia is among the top three European Companies in the EO sector selected by the EARSC Company award 2024....

Planetek Italia listed among the Best Companies of Southern Italy
Planetek Italia has entered the prestigious "Stelle del Sud 2024" ranking by Il Sole 24 Ore, the main financial...
Planetek Italia has entered the prestigious "Stelle del Sud 2024" ranking by Il Sole 24 Ore, the main financial...

Planetek supporting microHETSat the first all-electric small satellite
On December 1st 2023 at 7:19 PM (Italian time) the first all-electric small satellite “MicroHETSat” by Sitael lifted...
On December 1st 2023 at 7:19 PM (Italian time) the first all-electric small satellite “MicroHETSat” by Sitael lifted...