INSPIRE Conference 2016

INSPIRE Conference 2016

INSPIRE Conference 2016, 26-30 September 2016, Barcelona, Spain.



Will be held next 26-30 September 2016, in Barcelona (Spain) the INSPIRE Conference 2016 this year with the goal of "INSPIRing a sustainable environment".

Organized by the European Commission - JRC, the event focuses on those relevant issues that can push all over Europe the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, making INSPIRE a driver and an operational tool supporting the environmental protection.

Good governance, the process of making sound decisions and efficiently implementing them, is more than ever powered by our ability to collect, process, share and use spatial data.  The conference provide an opportunity to see how INSPIRE is underpinning the implementation of environmental policies, and provide connectivity with other policies affecting our environment, society, and the economy.

The event agenda, including workshops, oral and posters presentations and exhibition areas, is available on the official website of the  INSPIRE Conference 2016.

This year, Planetek Italia participates both at the exhibition with a booth (n.E1) and with presentations on developments and case histories concerning INSPIRE. The strong Planetek commitment in this area is evident, not only because the company has been awarded twice in previous years, but it also testified by the resources dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge in this area, through webinars and direct participation in Forums, associations and events.

This year Planetek Italia presents:

  • Rheticus: fusion of Earth Observation and INSPIRE data for the coastal monitoring (Poster PDF)
  • LOD4SDI: Linked Open Data from geographical information in Spatial Data Infrastructures (Poster PDF)

At its exposition booth, Planetek will also showcase its new cloud-based solutions to realize geospatial applications, using the Hexagon Smart platform.

For further info, details and to particpate, discover more on the official website.

Missed the INSPIRE Conference 2016 thematic sessions? Don't worry you can watch the video recordings on youtube