GPU4EO 2015 is a challenge among researchers aimed at improving the performance of a processing software of remotely sensed data using the processing capacity of the GPU (graphics processing unit).
The challenge is open to teams composed by students/researchers belonging to research institutions and / or professionals who want to face up it.
A global amount of € 5,000, as well as other awards and honors, will be assigned to winner teams.
GPU4EO Challenge Award Ceremony
Hosting prof. Brad Hittle's (Ohio Supercomputer Center) keynote lecture "GPU applications for scientific computation".
When: Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 h 09,00 - 16,00
Where: ex Palazzo delle Poste, Piazza Cesare Battisti - Bari, Italy
Need more info about the challenge?
Challenge Objectives
The goal of GPU4EO Challenge 2015 is to stimulate the adoption of GPUs in the field of image processing and more specifically in the field of remote sensing applications aimed at the development of a favourable framework for the synergy between research and business.
GPU4EO Challenge intends to promote the integration of transversal skills useful for the development of processing algorithms specifically designed and optimized to maximize the processing capabilities of the latest graphics boards. To this end, DORIS open source software has been selected as target for performance enhancement. This software is specific for the processing of remote sensing images. The teams will have the opportunity to modify the computing processes in order to reduce the overall processing execution time.
How to apply
To participate the Challenge you must sign up through this website (register or sign in and click on the "subscribe" button in the present page). Then you must follow the other requirements described in the full competion announcement.
Subscription is open until June 2, 2015 (h 24:00 CET).
Participants should download a copy of DORIS software. On the same web site there are also available all the information for the installation and configuration of the software.
Both input data (SAR interferometric pair and DEM of the area of interest) and expected output data (Differential interferogram and Coherence Map) will be made available to subscribers. The developments will have to be optimized for NVIDIA K40 GPU.
A reference hardware platform will be made available to participants by ReCaS data center; it is based on the NVIDIA K40 board and will be exploitable for testing the developments and assessing the performance achieved.
A workshop has been organized, Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at Dipartimento di Fisica, Bari, Italy, in order to clarify the modalities of execution and carrying out of the Challenge activities. The workshop has been broadcasted via the internet in direct streaming. Watch the registration of the workshop held on 15th April (audio in Italian, PPT in english)
Save the date:
- The subscription is open until June 2, 2015 (h.24,00 CET).
- Closing: June 22, 2015. By this date participants must send to gpu4eo @ the report of activities. With the closure of the activities will be inhibited access to the reference platform.
- Award ceremony: July 2, 2015.
Awards and honors
Registrants will receive a communication from the organizers about the details of the progress of the awards ceremony.
The award ceremony will be preceded by a technical workshop in which participants in the Challenge will present the team's work and will illustrate the activities and achievements.
On the base of the ranks, prepared by the evaluation committee, prizes will be awarded as follows:
- to the first ranked team: € 3,000
- to the first ranked team operating in Puglia: € 2,000
Organization of the event
The "Challenge GPU4EO" is organized by Planetek Italia srl, as part of the Project "“RIESCO - Ricerca ImprESa COnoscenza: l'innovazione dal laboratorio all'impresa in Puglia”", which involves CNR, ENEA, INFN with the participation of Confindustria Puglia.
Partners in the initiative are GAP LTD to support use of the software DORIS, INFN and the Department of Physics, University of Bari who have provided the reference platform in the datacenter RECAS.
The organizer reserves the right to make changes to this announcement on the basis of proposals and suggestions received from participants.
Documents and support
- Any requests for clarification or support can be sent via e-mail
- Download the official competition announcement “Challenge GPU4EO”
- Visit also the event page on Facebook to meet us and people involved in the Challenge
- Twitter @Planetek Hashtag #gpu4eo
Watch the registration of the workshop held on 15th April (audio in Italian, PPT in english)
Press release: