Claudio La Mantia

Claudio La Mantia

Senior Technical Manager Geoservices - Government & Security SBU

Posizione in Planetek Italia: Senior Technical Manager Geoservices - Government & Security SBU

Education:  Degree in Environmental Engineering from University of Palermo.

Background:  he started in the field of Earth Observation technologies as a Researcher at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Applications from University of Palermo. In 2002 he became a member of Planetek Italia Technical Team and, as a Project Manager, he has been involved in several research and commercial projects in cooperation with national and international Universities, Space Agencies, Research Centres and known Companies. In the field of Earth Observation technologies he has vast experience with optical high resolution image processing in several application fields ranging from basic pre-processing (production of large quantities of very high resolution satellite orthoimagery and large-area mosaics) to advanced image analysis methodologies, encompassing both automatic feature detection and interactive interpretation techniques for the creation of EO added value products.
In the Earth Observation application field Claudio La Mantia is also author/co-author of many works in national and international journals and conference proceedings.

Reference projects: European Coastal Zone hotspot thematic mapping, Integrated Coastal Water Management for MED, SIC ISPRA: The Italian information system for Marine Strategy reporting, MaTRis, Stato e variazione delle coste italiane nel quinquennio 2000-2005, CoastSAT, GSE Land, GMES fast track service on land monitoring, Ortofoto Sardegna, Linea di costa italiana, IMCA, Protezione civile dagli incendi boschivi, BALU, SPICAMAR.


Spotlight on

Today, I want to share an exciting story centered around my workplace, Planetek Italia, and its recent publication of the 2022 Impact Report. This document reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the crucial role each of us can play in caring for our extraordinary planet. As a company involved in space, we understand...