Within the context of the Copernicus programme, G-MOSAIC is a collaborative project, which aims at identifying and developing products, methodologies and pilot services for the provision of geospatial information in support to EU external relations policies and at contributing to define and demonstrate sustainability of Copernicus GMES global security perspective.
In particular, G-MOSAIC services support the prevention and management of external Regional Crisis (and the relevant EU intervention) for peace keeping, peace enforcing, crisis prevention, EU citizens rescue. External Regional Crisis can be regarded, in fact:
- as an indirect threat to Europe, given the fact that they can likely scale up to a global dimension,
- as a direct emergency for European citizens living, working or visiting the involved nations,
- as an issue for Europe as global player in building a better and peaceful world
The main expected results of GMOSAIC project are:
1. New GMES services for security
- Organize service chains and infrastructure for the provision of pre-operational pilot services in support to security activities, in particular focusing on External Regional Crises
- Develop pre-operational Core Services for Security, and identify related Downstream Services, based on what was developed in previous GMES security and emergency response projects
- Develop a prototype portal for the management and harmonization of the different service cases in a secure service network
2. New users involvement
- Disseminate the knowledge on Copernicus GMES potential impact on Security related User Community, and to contribute to build a political consensus on Copernicus GMES Services for Security
- Promote the construction of a European inter-pillar capability for the monitoring services and related infrastructures
- Directly involve users in scenarios definition, to be continuously updated based on feedback collection, in order to guarantee the integration of geo-information supplied into their workflow and decision making process
3. Contribution to Copernicus GMES sustainability
- Assess a sustainable provision and funding model for Copernicus GMES Security Services
- Derive recommendations for the development of the Copernicus GMES Earth Observation space component
- Study architectural models and prototype suitable solutions for security services provision, addressing specific requirements related to confidentiality of sensitive data and information handling
GMOSAIC develop services in order to:
- Support intelligence and early warning, with the objective to deploy and validate those information services that contribute to the analysis of the causes leading to regional crises, such as the evaluation of synthetic crisis indicators, the monitoring of critical assets, borders, routes, proliferation and illegal activities and their relations to regional crises.
- Support Crisis Management Operations, with the objective to deploy and validate those information services, that contribute to support the planning for EU intervention during crises, the EU intervention and citizen repatriation during crises, the crisis consequences management, reconstruction & resilience.
G-MOSAIC objectives require a heterogeneous team working together, and bringing in the project excellent skills concerning the following expertises:
- Satellite based Information Services
- Socio-economic, political Themes
- Information Services Infrastructures
- Innovative EO products Research
- Security Systems
- Economic models
- Architecture Models
The main roles of Planetek Italia in G-MOSAIC are listed below:
- Contribution and support to Orthorectification Building Blocks;
- Contribution to image processing (Soil Sealing extraction);
- Contribution to SAR and Optical VHR processing;
- Contribution to provide repository to store economic and operational model;
Contributor to implementation of Web-GIS platform (interface and integration of external resources)