Facilitating the spread of a geographical culture and creating positive relationships with our stakeholders
We maintain continuous relations with our stakeholders, promoting close collaboration, participating in initiatives and making our resources and expertise available to contribute to territorial and industrial growth. We are strongly committed to promoting geography and education programs to young people: traineeships, research work, workshops, meetings & events all over Italy, and sponsoring initiatives.
Industrial partnerships
Planetek Italia is Diamond Partner of Hexagon Geospatial in Italy and training center for the use of the software tools included in the Power Portfolio of Hexagon Geospatial.
Planetek Italia is an official distributor of satellite earth observation data of main global providers.
Relations with the other stakeholders
Planetek Italia maintains continuous relations with its stakeholders, promoting a constant collaboration, participating in initiatives and making available its resources and expertise to a growth of the area and the industrial system.
Geographic culture dissemination and sponsoring initiatives
We are strongly committed in promoting geography and education programmes to young people and professionals: traineeships, research works, workshops, meetings & events all over Italy, and sponsoring initiatives.
Today, I want to share an exciting story centered around my workplace, Planetek Italia, and its recent publication of the 2022 Impact Report. This document reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the crucial role each of us can play in caring for our extraordinary planet. As a company involved in space, we understand how […]