Position in Planetek Italia: Head of SpaceStream SBU.
Training: Degree in Electronic Engineering at Poltecnico di Bari, specialized in "numeric treatment of the images". He has produced several publications in the field of Geograhic Information System on the Web.
Background: in 1999 worked at National Research Council - IESI (today CNR-ISSIA) in Bari for a research in "Procedure per la rilevazione della posizione della palla in una sequenza video di una partita di calcio"; from 2000 to 2002 worked at Accenture SpA for the development of Customer Relationship Management for a big telecom company, growing his experience in the development and realization of "fault tolerant complex sistemi". Past Professor of “SDI and GeoWEB” at Urban & Regional Plannning course, Venice University Institute of Architecture (IUAV). From 2002 he works in Planetek Italia as Head of SpaceStream SBU, with main activity in the design and development of systems and software for satellite ground segment and on-board data processing units, for Spatial Data Infrastructures on the Web, and for real-time Fleet management.
Reference projects: Solar Orbiter, PRISMA, Cosmo Second Generation, SpacePDP, PROC, Morfeo, CosMosaic, Pagis, PLAAVI, ESA-SAPS