Webinar: Free & Open satellite data: search, download and import in the ERDAS IMAGINE 2016
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Do you know how to search and download data from free & open Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and LANDSAT-8? What features they have and how we manage these data within the ERDAS IMAGINE 2016 processing software?
In about 45 minutes, this webinar gives participants the opportunity to learn step by step the procedure to manage free & open satellite data. During the webinar the participants will receive all resources and tutorials, prepared in Italian language by Planetek Italia experts.
Webinar topics:
- Main features of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and LANDSAT-8 data;
- How to search and download the data;
- Import of individual files in ERDAS IMAGINE;
- Import of multiple files in ERDAS IMAGINE;
- Q&A;
- Conclusions.
Few years ago the only way to use satellite imagery was to purchase a license, but the world is changing, together with technologies and market opportunities: it is progressively increasing the availability of free and open satellite imagery and data.
The US Geological Survey Agency (USGS) in 2008 decided to free the access to an endless archive of satellite images of its Landsat missions. Today the Landsat-8 satellite continuously collects high quality images on the entire globe, and its free & open data policy is already confirmed for its next Landsat 9 mission.
In 2014 were launched also the European Copernicus Sentinel missions, a multi-year and ambitious programme, which is characterized of an integrated approach and several satellites of different types to be launched. All this happens under the Copernicus program.
The webinar, organized in Italian language by Planetek Italia, describes the main features of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and LANDSAT-8 satellite data and explains the procedure for searching and downloading of these data. The second part of the webinar shows how to import and manage the data in ERDAS IMAGINE 2016.
ERDAS IMAGINE is a powerful software suite of Hexagon Geospatial, which provides professional tools to quickly and easily manage satellite imagery, and allows the exploitation of information derived from open satellite data, simplifying operations, such as, classification, orthorectification, mosaicing, reprojection, photointerpretation, change detection ecc.
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