FLET4.0 – FLEet managemenT optimization through I4.0 enabled smart maintenance

FLET4.0 – FLEet managemenT optimization through I4.0 enabled smart maintenance

Development of innovative capabilities for the management of fleets of aircraft engines, railway vehicles and satellites

FLET4.0 (– FLEet managemenT optimization through I4.0 enabled smart maintenance) is a research project promoted by the Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (DTA), which aims to contribute to the development of innovative capabilities for the management of fleets of aircraft engines, railway vehicles and satellites.

Through the use of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies, the research activities of the FLET4.0 project are aimed at acquiring a greater and more precise knowledge of the operating status of the reference products (aircraft engines, railway vehicles and satellites) and therefore coordinate and optimize the necessary maintenance processes.

Through the use of a mix of digital technologies (artificial intelligence, simulation, virtual and augmented reality, cloud systems, big data & analytics) the solutions developed will detect and monitor the deterioration of the performance of the reference products, anomalous behaviors and any other unexpected event, identify and evaluate the causes, and estimate the residual life of the systems or their components. By integrating this information with the strategic and operational management tools of industrial production plans and the warehouse, it will therefore be possible to provide optimized maintenance services. Virtual reality technologies will be applied to simplify the work of the operators who will directly carry out the interventions.

The activities, skills and results of the project, in line with the national and Apulian Smart Specialization strategies (SMARTPUGLIA 2020), will allow industrial partners to increase their productivity, through the reduction of production costs of the services provided, improve quality of the services themselves, ensuring greater availability to the users of the products, improving the environmental sustainability of the processes. The university partners will contribute to the economic and social growth of the area by applying their analysis, planning and development skills to real problems, involving young researchers in the activities and enriching their teaching activities with new data and information, with a sure positive impact on the potential of student employment.

Project partners

FLET4.0 project participants are Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (DTA), as project leader with project management functions and facilitator of the transfer of technologies and prototype solutions from the research system to the industrial system, an industrial component that includes AvioAero, Enginsoft, Planetek Italia and Blackshape (members of the DTA), EKA and MERMEC and a university component that includes the Polytechnic of Bari, the University of Salento (members of the DTA) and the Polytechnic of Turin. The scientific director of the project is Prof. Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo (Polytechnic of Bari).

The project FLET4.0 is promoted by Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (DTA) and was submitted under the Avviso 0001735 (AVVISO PER LA PRESENTAZIONE DI PROGETTI DI RICERCA INDUSTRIALE E SVILUPPO SPERIMENTALE NELLE 12 AREE DI SPECIALIZZAZIONE INDIVIDUATE DAL PNR 2015-2020) of the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca.

The project plan includes a total amount of investments by the partners of more than 7,5M€ (about 6,6M€ in Apulia region), and will receive funds by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca of more than 3,7M€ (about 3,2M€ in Apulia).

Project cofunded by European Union – SIE, PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 (www.ponricerca.gov.it)