Our Ocean from Space: marine and coastal ecosystems observed from space

Our Ocean from Space: marine and coastal ecosystems observed from space

"Our Ocean from Space" is a traveling exhibition that offers stunning satellite images of our oceans and marine ecosystems to tell the dynamics and problems linked to these vital and fragile environments.

Planetek Italia is a partner and contributor of the exhibition, inaugurated on April 10th, 2024 in Barcelona during the United Nations Ocean Decade Conference.

"Our Ocean from Space" is a UNESCO and ESA co-production, which aims to raise awareness of the need to safeguard the ocean by observing the dynamics and impact of human activities over time. the exhibition offers an overview of main themes like changes in Arctic sea ice, ocean warming, sea level rise, the role of sea and ocean salinity, coastal resilience, maritime traffic, marine areas protected and the consequences of climate change on coral reefs and biodiversity.

The exhibition offers a journey through breathtaking images and video interviews, which during a three-year tour will stop at the main international events, to raise visitor awareness of the crucial environmental challenges and illustrating how Earth observation satellites monitor the marine ecosystem and human activities. Planetek Italia contributed to the exhibition by providing Earth observation satellite images and offering the story of its leading experts - Giovanni Sylos Labini and Massimo Zotti - to explore, in particular, the theme of coastal resilience and presenting some of the major European projects carried out and ongoing as "Copernicus Coastal zone hotspot layers", "ECFAS - European Coastal Flood Awareness System", "Marine-EO: demand-driven EO-based services in the field of maritime awareness" and "Ulysses - Soil Sealing Assessment and Monitoring".

Curated by Fiorella Coliolo and Benoit Delplanque of Timkat and with the support of national space agencies and institutions, the exhibition will also stop in Italy thanks to the contribution of Planetek Italia exhibiting for the first time on the occasion of the international Ecomondo fair in Rimini from 5 to 8 November 2024.

Discover the details and all the stages on Our Ocean from Space