FIXYLL - FIght XYLeLla fastidiosa with satellites and drone

FIXYLL - FIght XYLeLla fastidiosa with satellites and drone

Drones and satellites to fight xylella and offer innovative services to farms.


Drones and satellites to fight xylella and offer innovative services to farms.

Realising a range of services to support the fight against the spread of Xylella fastidiosa infection on olive trees through remote sensing techniques primarily by satellite and, if a high spatial resolution is needed, by drones. This is the aim of the 18-month 'FIXYLL - FIght XYLeLla fastidiosa' project implemented by Planetek Italia and Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (DTA) in partnership with UNAPROL. The project is funded by the ASI (Italian Space Agency) to help develop research and development activities related to 'Downstream and Application Services'.

In particular, FIXYLL aims to develop a series of tools that can be reused in other situations of phytosanitary emergency and not only in Apulia.

The realisation of the project is based on 3 pillars in order to guarantee the achievement of high-quality standards of the services provided and the ability to respond as much as possible to the needs expressed by users: technical preparation of services, interaction with users and preparation of the market.

The services developed and offered to farmers.
The proposed services are: identification of vigorous olive plants, graphic visualisation of the dynamics of the spread of the infection, verification of the application of regional prescriptions and validation of explanted plants for second-level validation of explants.

From Xylella to precision farming services.
By pooling different expertise, the project will define agreements for the commercial development of the developed solutions and services, and identify opportunities for the development of further services and application solutions in the field of precision agriculture.

The project will also capitalise on the experience gained by Planetek and DTA in previous projects such as REDoX.