Corporate governance
Corporate governance

Corporate governance
Our Mission is complemented by our sustainable acting.
Our Mission is complemented by our sustainable acting.

In order to better face changes and to be closer to our clients, we have adopted Strategic Design (Design Thinking) as our operating model and we have created Strategic Business Units segmented by market.

Identifying the best combination, over time, between the user requirements, the technological feasibility and the economic, social and environmental viability.

Facilitating the spread of a geographical culture and creating positive relationships with our stakeholders

Since its early years, Planetek Italia aims at continuous improvement of its products and services and of the management of its organization, following the line of total quality system and aiming at the complete satisfaction of its customers.

Planetek Italia adopt an environmental management system compliant with the standards UNI EN ISO 14001 and the directive CE n.1221/2009 (EMAS III)

Planetek Italia has always naturally considered human rights fundamental.