Cartography & urban planning indexes

Cartography & urban planning indexes

Automatic cloud-based geoinformation service for subsidence, landislide and ground motion monitoring and analysis over time.

Automatic cloud-based geoinformation service platform for territorial monitoring

Automatic cloud-based geoinformation service for subsidence, landislides and groud displacement monitoring and analysis over time

Automatic cloud-based geo-information service for the continuous monitoring of coastal seawater quality and marine resources.

Urban monitoring and automatic satellite-based detection of illegal constructions.

Cognitive Framework for Urban Planning and monitoring of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

Geospatial Indexes for Territorial Planning and Strategic Environmental Assessment. Monitoring of soil loss.

Cognitive Framework of marine and coastal areas and public defense works.

Satellite orthoimages for the timely monitoring of changes on the territory.

Geoportal for e-Collaboration and dialogue between organizations and citizens in the planning process.
