On January 30-31 the fourth edition of the Forum "Shipping, Forwarding and Logistics meet Industry" takes place in Milan. The Forum is organized by the Propeller Club Port of Milan and Clickutility Team, sponsored and hosted by Assolombarda and the main associations of the port and logistics sector and entrepreneurial as well as by important industry players.
The event aims to present the excellence of shipping and national logistics, to promote the benefits and the first results generated by the process of reform and revitalization of the sector envisaged by the national strategic plan among stakeholders in the industrial sectors. of port and logistics, as well as generating opportunities for the meeting between the excellence of the nation's logistics system as well as with representatives of the industrial and financial world.
Planetek Italia joins the event as a representative of associazione OnData with Massimo Zotti, Head of Government & Security SBU, sharing its experience and expertise in Earth observation during two session held on Thursday 30th January h - 14,00 / 18,00:
- "Cryptologistica e Logistica Connessa: stato dell’arte, opportunità e rischi", with a speech titled "L’utilizzo dei dati di remote sensing per la pianificazione delle aree logistiche".
- "Sostenibilità logistica: dai principi alla realtà e ritorno", with a speech titled "Strumenti open di telerilevamento per monitorare il consumo di suolo".
In programma un panel di temi che si annuncia quanto mai ricco e articolato: geoeconomia e geopolitica, Via della Seta e Guerra dei Dazi, Brexit e Corridoi Europei Ten T, 5G e innovazione tecnologica, emergenza infrastrutturale e Green logistic.
The agenda includes several topics: geoeconomics and geopolitics, the Silk Road and the War of Duties, Brexit and European Corridors Ten T, 5G and technological innovation, infrastructure emergency and Green logistics.
Further details on https://www.shippingmeetsindustry.it