Space Missions

Space Missions

Definition and implementation of software for space systems for Earth Observation and Cosmic exploration missions.

Planetek has a sound experience in the design and implementation of software for ground and space systems of Earth Observation and Cosmic exploration missions. Its capabilities range from the system definition, the design and development, to the validation and the on-site delivery.

In more than 20 years of experience, we contributed to the definition and implementation of software for space missions, such as COSMO-SkyMed, COSMO Second Generation, PRISMA, TRUTHS, Solar Orbiter, µHETsat (or MicroHETsat), Chime, PLATiNO, AIX.

For over twenty years we have been developing software solutions in collaboration with ASI, ESA and the main market stakeholders, developing ad hoc space software for Earth Observation missions, providing real-time and non-real-time systems capable of intervening in a vast range of application sectors. We design and create customized platforms and interfaces that respond to the real needs of users and guarantee optimal use of the system.

In fact, we develop specific solutions for receiving and processing data acquired from satellite instruments, providing systems for archiving, sharing and publishing the products generated. Finally, we provide engineering consultancy services on the design activities of new missions, as well as on the definition, identification of requirements and architectural design of ground control systems. In this way, Planetek Italia participates in the definition, creation and operations of Space and Ground Segment systems for Earth Observation Satellites, fundamental for the management, control of the mission and for the related reception and processing, both on board and aboard. land, of the data acquired.

Our Space Software Portfolio includes: