earthbit is a tool that manipulates very big SAR and hyperspectral images together with image streams (live videos from e.g. drones) in real-time.
It allows to create, configure and execute massively parallel processing tasks (specific for satellite imagery or science data) on big datasets by leveraging the power of a proprietary map/reduce framework.
Its Human Machine Interface enables the User to easily interact with algorithms, image data and unstructured metadata and exploit the power of heterogeneous computing devices such as modern multi-core CPUs, GPUs and Accelerators (FPGA and ASICs with OpenCL support).
earthbit supports simultaneous visualization of different images that can be navigated in co-registration mode, providing real-time graphical operation on them.
The earthbit toolbox is currently used in PRISMA and Cosmo-SkyMed Second Generation missions launched and owned by ASI - the Italian Space Agency.
Download earthbit PRISMA Toolbox v1.0 (free)
earthbit PRISMA edition is a vertical implementation of earthbit totally devoted to the interaction and manipulation of PRISMA satellite mission hyperspectral products. PRISMA Toolbox v1.0 allows to import, view and convert L1, L2B, L2C, L2D products in a very simple and immediate way (in MS Windows based PC). Thanks to its features the user can interact in a very simple and quick manner with all the spectral bands and the metadata of the HDF products without taking care of the HDF format. In the pictures above some of those functionalities like metadata plotting, spectral signature pixel by pixel and metadata navigation are showed.
Download earthbit (free).
Visit the official support site and download the software version you need.
Features and Benefits. By earthbit user can:
- Load datasets and attributes from hierarchical and generic data files (HDF5, HDF-EOS, TIFF, JPEG);
- Visualize and process big images and datasets;
- Execute processing and visualization algorithms on multicore CPUs and discrete GPUs, thanks to a proprietary acceleration engine integrating Khronos OpenGL and OpenCL API for parallel applications.
- Plug his/her own algorithms for image processing, exploiting the earthbit SDK features.

earthbit benchmarks:
- Load ~4GiB image from disk to memory in less than 15s.
- Create image pyramids on the fly, with in-memory caching of tiles.
- Maximize the use of Solid State Disks.
- Execute real-time image filtering at about 400fps on GPU.
SDK engine framework
- The framework provides many C++ classes, structures and functions, to:
- Interact with the operating system,
- Read and write image pixels,
- Read and write hierarchical metadata,
- Accelerate processing by driving any available multicore CPU and GPU,
- Implement a Map/Reduce scheduler over multicore CPU,
- Implement image processing features
earthbit SDK provides dynamic linking libraries for the following operating systems:
- Microsoft ® Windows10 (32bit & 64bit)
- Linux RedHat, Ubuntu Linux, CentOS 7, Gentoo Linux
Running on the following proc. architectures: Intel/AMD x86 and x86_64, ARM ARMv7-A and ARMv8-A.
Extensibility: Developers are able to add new functions, capabilities and processing algorithms by implementing “engine” and “io-filters” plugins.