Held in Aalborg, Denmark from 16 to 20 June the INSPIRE Conference 2014 this year launched the slogan "INSPIRE for good governance".
Organized by the University of Aalborg and the Euroepan Commission - JRC, the event focused on those relevant issues that can push all over Europe the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, making INSPIRE a driver and a tool for "good governance".
"Good governance, the process of making sound decisions and efficiently implementing them, is more than ever powered by our ability to collect, process, share and use spatial data. The conference provide an opportunity to see how INSPIRE is underpinning the implementation of environmental policies, and provide connectivity with other policies affecting our environment, society, and the economy" is stated on the conference presentation webpage.
The event agenda, including workshops, oral and posters presentations and exhibition areas, is available on the official INSPIRE Conference 2014 website
Planetek participated at the conference:
- with a booth to meet its partners and clients;
- with a presentation titled "Linked Open Data for the exploitation of Earth observation derived data themes";
- and to receive the first prize from the organizers of the "smeSPIRE Challenge Award" for the application getLOD.
For further info visit the official website.
See also:
The GetLOD Story