The Space Policy Industry Dialogue has the objective to connect industry from space sector with politics and agencies to allow an open and fruitful discussion on the status and future of the sector. The space sector is, in particular compared to other sectors, significantly policy driven. A regular exchange of information between industry and policy, therefore, is substantial to learn about expectations, barriers and the future roadmap of space in Europe.
Moreover particular challenges and opportunities exist for the space applications industry that need to be addressed on a European level.
The Space Policy Industry/Dialogue provides a platform to facilitate these discussions among key actors from space & space applications, the possibility for networking and meet alike during the event.
Last year, NEREUS and bavAIRia e.V. initiatied a dialogue targeted at interfacing the regional business community with administration and policymakers. The objective of this dialogue is to discuss with the local community the current space policy developments while learning about the needs of regional companies. Planetek, will represent the Apulian Aerospace District (DTA) and have a speech in the 2nd Panel Discussion: Challenges in developing space based services and what companies need from politics/ agencies and vice versa.
Where: Augsburg Kongress am Park
When: 24.07.2015
More news: on NEREUS website and bavAIRia website