We maintain continuous relations with our stakeholders, promoting close collaboration, participating in initiatives and making our resources and expertise available to contribute to territorial and industrial growth. We are strongly committed to promoting geography and education programs to young people: traineeships, research work, workshops, meetings & events all over Italy, and sponsoring initiatives.
Industrial partnerships
- Associations & Memberships
Planetek Italia is a founder member of AIPAS, Association of Italian Space Enterprises.
In Apulia Region we have an active role in Confindustria Bari-BAT, in Apulian Aerospace Technological District, in the Apulian Aerospace Consortium and in the Apulian Informatics District.
In Europe we actively participate in the development of the sector as a member of EARSC, European Association of Remote Sensing Companies, SME4SPACE an European Space SMEs association, the Copernicus Academy, the Space Weather Italian Community (SWICO), the European Quantum Industry Consortium (QUIC), and the Geographical Information System International Group (GISIG).
We are also a founder member of the Italian Open Data Institute, and member of Stati Generali dell'Innovazione and of the Association AFCEA capitolo di Roma.
Planetek Italia actively cooperates in the AZIMUTH Consortium for the realization of the Galileo satellite system, the Tre.e network, and Horizon network involved in environmental and waste management.
Through Planetek Hellas we are a member of the si-cluster (Hellenic Space Technologies and Applications Cluster) and the Hellenic Association of Space Industries (HASI). - Partners and Suppliers
To work with our suppliers and partners means valuing and combine their skills and technical know-how, industrial and relational. This gives us the ability to create synergies for the design and development of integrated systems for managing geographic data to the benefit of customers and end users.
Planetek Italia is also Diamond Partner of Hexagon Geospatial in Italy and training center for the use of the software tools included in the Power Portfolio of Hexagon Geospatial. Official distributor of satellite earth observation data of main global providers.
- Customers
Customers, which include also the national and international agencies dealing with land monitoring, can be categorized as: national and local governmental entities, private companies and research institutions. We provide highly customized systems and software solutions, off-the-shelf products, and geospatial services achieving, through a continuous interaction with the customer, a better compliance with client and final users need.
Relations with the other stakeholders
Planetek Italia maintains continuous relations with its stakeholders, promoting a constant collaboration, participating in initiatives and making available its resources and expertise to a growth of the area and the industrial system.
- NEREUS: Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies
- Confindustria Bari
- Costellazione Apulia: promoting social responsibility, cooperation and new models for economy
- SUDSPACE consotium: promoting Apulian Aerospace expertises
- Banks innovation & reseasch projects (San Paolo innovazione)
- Universities: research projects and programmes
Geographic culture dissemination and sponsoring initiatives
We are strongly committed in promoting geography and education programmes to young people and professionals: traineeships, research works, workshops, meetings & events all over Italy, and sponsoring initiatives.